Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

Position statements

EU draft regulation on packaging

March 2023. AREFLH recommendations for amendments to the draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste


AREFLH is following the ongoing work on the draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste, and certain elements are a legitimate cause for concern for the fruit and vegetable sector.

Without the necessary nuance, certain items in the draft regulation risk creating real difficulties for the sector and damaging the ongoing work on improving sustainability across the fruit and vegetable value chain.

AREFLH wishes to propose the following amendments to the draft packaging and packaging waste regulation to better adapt it to the situation on the ground for fruit and vegetable producers that must implement these rules and the administrative bodies (regions, national ministries, agencies, etc.) that must oversee their correct application in each specific context.


Read AREFLH proposed amendments (FR, EN, ES, IT)

Read more about the revision of the EU regulation on the website of the European Commission


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