On the recent climate change damages in European Regions
AREFLH is currently working on actions following the climate change damages in Spain and Italy
On 22 May 2023 Simona Caselli presented in the Corriere Ortofrutticolo the current actions of AREFLH after the damages of extreme rain in Emilia-Romagna and the lack of rain in Catalonia. She declared in the article : « We must think of adapting public policy instruments and the entire management of the territory and natural resources to this new climate »
- AREFLH met with DG Agri Commissioner Mr. Poinelli on 24 May to discuss the Emilia-Romagna situation
- AREFLH members met online to initiate a common document compiling the propositions discussed to flight extreme climate situations
- In addition to emergency measures, AREFLH will ask for an urgent reflection on risk management tools