Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

EU projects


AREFLH has a partner on the  WASTE4SOIL project “Turning food waste into sustainable soil improvers for better soil health and improved food system”. Waste4Soil aims at developing applicable recycling technical pathways to transform Food Processing Residues (FPR) into improvers, through a circular, system, and multi-actor approach. All food chain actors are involved at the regional level, thereby closing specific loops (nutrients, organic matter, water).


The third project meeting was held on 14 June 2024 online. The goal of the meeting was to provide an overview of the activities held in the first year of the project and to update about the next activities. In the first part of the meeting, participants discussed the guidelines and tools for supporting territories to transform Food Processing Residues (FPR) into Soil Improvers (SI). The activities related to the co-creation and the co-implementation of the living labs, where experimentations happen in real-life conditions, jointly operated with key stakeholders such as food industries, waste managers, fertilizers manufacturers, commercial farms, and citizens to showcase good practices with “show me” and “ready for practice” practical demonstrative effects. At the same time discussions focused on the technologies that will be developed during the life of the project.

Last but not least the activities related to communication have been presented besides the strategies to enrich the number of different stakeholders interested in the topics of the project.


      W4S New visual 7


The second part of the meeting focused on the activities that will start and will be developed in the next months. The activity on the Living Labs demonstration for the will start. The Living Labs (LL) are partnerships between multiple partners and different actors/stakeholders who come together to co-create end-user-oriented and market-competitive innovations for jointly agreed objectives to find solutions to societal challenges and challenges that land managers face on the ground.

Living Labs are operated together with end-users, i.e., commercial farms, food industries, Soil Improvers (SI) manufacturers, and multidisciplinary teams, under the coordination of a living lab leader, partner of the project. In addition, the monitoring of the impact of SI in soils and plants through the living labs.

The impacts on soil and plant health under farm production conditions will be monitored in each LL. Basic indicators related to soil quality and fertility will be investigated before (baseline) and after the application of SI, based on the common guideline for soil health monitoring.

Each Living Lab (LL) will measure : 

  • soil pH and electrical conductivity,
  • the content of soil organic carbon (C) and macronutrients (N, P, K),
  • aggregate stability,
  • bulk density,
  • and water-holding capacity .

Sampling will be performed by LL farmers with LL leaders’ support based on the soil sampling protocol.


Waste4Soil aims at developing applicable recycling technical pathways to transform Food Processing Residues (FPR) into improvers, through a circular, system, and multi-actor approach. All food chain actors are involved at the regional level, thereby closing specific loops (nutrients, organic matter, water).


Know more about Waste4Soil


This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nr. 101112708.


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