Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

EU projects


The LowinFood project introduces the plate waste tracker for school canteens

AREFLH is a partner of the LOWINFOOD, a project that  focuses on “Multi-actor design of low-waste food value chains through the demonstration of innovative solutions to reduce food loss and Waste”. LOWINFOOD supports the reduction of the loss and waste in the European Union by demonstrating innovative solutions following a multi-actor approach that involves actors along the entire value chain.  


ISUN (Fachhochschule Munster), one of the partners of the project participated in the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2024 on 17-20 January, in Berlin (Germany). ISUN had the opportunity to show the Matomatic innovation as well as the workbook for bakery staff.  


Matomatic has developed an innovative plate waste tracker for school canteens. It consists of a smart scale, giving primary school pupils feedback on how much plate waste they generate. It is able to give pupils prompt communication about the quantity of food they are leaving on their plate, and it also allows children to provide feedback to the canteen staff on why they wasted food.  



The plate waste tracker was implemented in Sweden, Germany and Austria. The testing was made in Germany and Austria. And now, in Sweden the schools continue using the innovation.  

Read more about the Matomatic in this article from Lowinfood website


For more information about the project, visit the following media :


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000439




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