AREFLH invites you to participate in the “Stakeholder Survey” within the CONSOLE project which focuses on promoting the delivery of Agri-Environmental Climate Public on promoting Climate Public Goods (AECPGs) by agriculture and forestry
through the development of improving contractual solutions (that is, the relationships between the public administration (at different scales) and the farmers). The general objective of CONSOLE is to boost innovation in the lasting delivery of APCEGs by EU agriculture and forestry, by building and testing effective and efficient cooperation models and by developing a contractual framework supporting implementing by multi actors.
This questionnaire is part of a pan-EU survey that is being carried out as part of the project. The survey is structured on 3 sections that are all essential:
- The background characteristics of the respondents
- Acceptability of new contracts solutions
- Macro-environmental factors of operational environment (PESTLE) that are fostering or hindering the adoption of result-based contracts
This survey deals with novel voluntary contracts. These contracts aim to increase supply of environmental and climate-related benefits such as water protection, landscape improvement, biodiversity, carbon sequestration or soil health. We are interested in gathering your opinion regarding different voluntary contracts for land managers.
So we encourage you to answer this 12-question survey in one of the following languages : English, French, Italian, Spanish.
For more information on Console please visit:
- The website
- Twitter: @ProjectConsole
- Facebook: @Console.project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the grant agreement: No.817949.