CONSOLE Case Study – Organic farming for biodiversity
Know more about the initiative called “Farming for species diversity", which aims to increase the diversity of wild flora and fauna on organic farms.
The initiative “Farming for species diversity" enters the framework of CONSOLE , an EU project which focuses on "CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
The initiative called “Farming for species diversity (Lanswirtschaft für Artenvielfalt) aims to increase the diversity of wild flora and fauna on organic farms. A result-oriented approach with participations of the value chain is pursued. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania the WWF Germany and the federation of organic farming named Biopark have started the initiative together with the retailer EDEKA. A new standard going beyond the requirements for the organic certification has been developed with scientific support.
The initiative with a result-based approach is targeting organic farmers. The farms have the possibility to select the measures that fit best for them to foster wild flora and fauna. A certification scheme qualifies them for selling their organic products in retail with premium price.
The nature protection certification is based on a credit point system with a broad range of over 100 measures. Its central element is a catalogue of measures with credits allocated to each of them. Together with a specialized nature protection advisor, the participating farmers choose the measures that are most suitable and can be best integrated into their agricultural production. Factsheets provide detailed information on the implementation of the measures, suitable locations and potential indicator species. The whole farm with all its land and the surrounding landscape elements is eligible. If the farmer reaches a minimum of credits points, he gets a supplement for selected products (pork, beef, lamb and potatoes). The farmer is compensated for his nature protection efforts through the higher priced premium organic products sold with a particular label.
The consumers actively support species diversity by purchasing these products.
Objectives of this case studies:
- Increase of the diversity of wild flora and fauna in agricultural landscapes
- Establish a nature protection certificate for organic farms
- Improve the market opportunities for selected organic products
Problem description
The starting point for this project was the observed decrees of the biological diversity on the farmland and in agricultural landscapes. In principle organic farming provides an excellent basis for high species diversity of wild animals and plants. But also, in organic farming the increasing economic pressure leads to intensification and this goes along with negative effects on specifies diversity.
Know more about the Console project
This project has benefited from a funding program under the European Union's framework program for research and innovation "Horizon 2020" under grant agreement n°817949.