Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles

Projets EU

Le projet Waste4Soil a pour but de transformer les déchets alimentaires en amendements de sol durables pour une meilleure santé des sols 

Article uniquement disponible en anglais


First, the MAIN OBJECTIVE  is providing ecosystem solutions that encompass the collaboration inside and outside the project with the diverse stakeholders of the food waste chain from Farm to Fork.  


This main objective is supported by 6 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES, detailed below:  



Optimizing the collection and understanding of eight types of Food-Processing Residues for a successful valorisation into Soil Improvers. The 8 value chains studied will be 1) fruits and vegetables, 2) dairy products, 3) meat industry, 4) cereals, 5) olive oil, 6) beverage (wine, beer), 7) fish, 8) processed food.  



Elaborating five standards to support transition towards sustainable food systems, circularity and soil health with recycled Food-Processing Residues and locally produced Soil Improvement.   

Waste4Soil aims at supporting #foodsystems with easy and clear solutions, processes and strategies, going beyond the specific location and its pedoclimatic conditions, the #localwaste management systems or regulation. 5 standards will be developed by the end of the project, including an experimental protocol for monitoring soil health with soil improvers application.   



Developping ten standardized methodological and technical processes to transform Food-Processing Residues into Soil Improvers with composting, anaerobic digestion, biocarbon production, and enzymatic hydrolyzation.    

7 #LivingLabs will develop those processes and obtain high quality Soil improvers that comply with the new Fertilizing products Regulation 2019/1009 and the product functional category ‘Soil improver’.   

The 8 types of Food-Processing Residues mentioned above will be transformed in order to fully understand the potentialities of each technology and know which one is the more appropriate to each type of residues.   



Formulating six Soil Improvers.  For such a task, clear and practical use guidelines will be developped. 

The soil improvers will have to match four sub-objectives:  

  1. being effective and sustainable in use, and out-compete mineral fertilizers  
  1. being economically viable and accessible (develop economy business models for the production and commercialization of soil improvers) 
  1. being socially accepted products by farmers and cooperatives, who will understand how the fertilizers are produced, their efficiency and potential. The project will reassure them concerning possible fears of polluted composition or effectiveness by making sure they comply with common product safety regulations. 
  1. being produced from local resources, made visible by an envisioned European label entitled ‘Local Organic Soil Improver’.  


To ensure safe and high-quality Soil improvers, a list of actions and priorities will be set up to overcome potential challenges. Trade-offs will be elaborated, based on existing practices assessment.    



Involving at least 150 food system actors and at least 500 citizens to foster circularity of the food system and develop activities targeted to different actors.   



Ensuring targeted dissemination and communication of the project results to relevant audiences. Three digital tools based on the Evaluation Framework will be developed. 


Know more about Waste4Soil


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nr. 101112708.

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