Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles

Projets EU

NOVASOIL : étude de cas sur les ecoscheme en Lettonie

Découvrez comment Zemnieku Saeima, en Lettonie, met en œuvre une nouvelle solution numérique de services cartographiques.

Article uniquement en anglais


AREFLH is a partner of the NOVASOIL project (Innovative Business models for soil health). Its general objective is to highlight the benefits of investments in soil health for society and the environment.


Soil health is crucial to the sustainability of agriculture. Healthy soil is essential for growing nutritious food, preventing erosion, improving soil, carbon sequestration and structure and enhancing soil biodiversity.  

The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 defines an additional policy instrument – the eco-schemes. This is a new instrument in the form of annual direct payments to reward farmers who voluntarily adopt biodiversity and climate-friendly farming practices with higher environmental benefits, considering the objectives of the Green Deal, in particular those stemming from the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The implementations of eco schemes ensures the use of sustainable agricultural production methods in the management of agricultural land.   


The case study presented involves Zemnieku Saeima, Latvia’s Farmers’ Parliament (ZSA), it is an influential and constructive non-governmental organization of agricultural and horticultural. 


The aim of the case study is to ensure that Zemnieku Saeima (ZSA) implements a new digital solution – map services that show the fields where farmers in Latvia have implemented eco-schemes with soil-friendly agricultural practices. By displaying this information on a digital map, anyone can easily find and learn about farmers in their region who are actively working to improve soil health. 


Deployment of the services in a production environment, e.g ZSA’s DIH system, implementation of specific additional functionality and user training will provide an opportunity to test service during regular business operations of various end users. Easy access, simple interface, valid and up-to-date data will ensure the sustainability of the service.  

The digital map services already contain very important information about Latvian soils, their typology and mechanical composition, which will help every farmer to choose the most appropriate agrotechnical methods to maintain and improve soil fertility and thus soil health.   


Potential inhibitors:  
  • Economic downturn 

  • Bureaucracy  

  • Lack of know-how 


Potential enablers:  
  • Social awareness 

  • Long term economic gain  


For more information click here 


En savoir plus sur le projet Novasoil


Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon 2020 de l'Union européenne dans le cadre d'un accord de subvention n°101091268


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