Assembly of European Horticultural Regions



This project  ended in November 2022

AREFLH is a partner of the CONSOLE project – “CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry"
The general objective of CONSOLE is to boost innovation in the lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs) by EU agriculture and forestry, by building a Community of Practice (CoP), by designing and testing effective and efficient cooperation models and by developing a contractual framework supporting implementation by multiple actors.
The CONSOLE consortium gathers over 24 institutions from 12 European countries covering a broad range of actors" class="transparent" />(farmers, organizations, researchers, public administration, consultant companies). The H2020 project will run for the next 3 years and is expected to deliver its results in early 2022.

As a consortium member, AREFLH will be tasked with communicating and disseminating information related to this project as well as organizing national and European events to promote its results.

In october 2020 the CONSOLE project has developed a major Dissemination and Communication Strategy whose objective is to serve as a training plan for awareness raising activities, stakeholder information and dissemination of CONSOLE project results.

The objective of this plan is to ensure that the project has a structured and streamlined approach to communicate about the project using various tools. The plan will also describe the next tasks and how the project is expected to be exploited.

In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the CONSOLE project has designed a page (including logos, type of letters, corporate colours, etc.) that facilitates user navigation, but has also developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.



AREFLH suggest that you replied to a survey., structured on 3 sections that are all essential:

  • The background characteristics of the respondents
  • Acceptability of new contracts solutions
  • Macro-environmental factors of operational environment (PESTLE) that are fostering or hindering the adoption of result-based contracts

Reply to the survey.


Case studies and CONSOLE-related articles :


Kick-off meeting (2019)

The kick-off meeting of the CONSOLE project took place on 23 and 24 May 2019 in Seville, Spain (photo below)


To learn more about the project please visit :

H2020 logo 500pxThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the grant agreement: No.817949. 


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