Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles

Projets EU

LowInFood au salon de l'alimentation et du vin de Viterbo

LowInFood a sensibilisé contre le gaspillage de pain dans les boulangeries lors du salon "Assaggi" de Viterbo (Italie)

lowinfood image poubelle

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LOWINFOOD project focuses on the “Multi-actor design of low-waste food value chains through the demonstration of innovative solutions to reduce food loss and waste”. It supports the reduction of food loss and waste in the European Union by demonstrating innovative solutions following a multi-actor approach that involves actors along the entire value chain.  


The project has participated to Assaggi, a food and wine fair held in Viterbo from to the 19th to 22nd of May 2023. 

Many regional artisanal producers were present. LOWINFOOD’s mission in the fair was to promote the issue of bread loss and waste in the bakery value chain. As part of the initiative, breadcrumbs produced from the surplus bread by the involved bakers were distributed to visitors 


In the framework of “a hand against waste” (Una mano contro lo spreco), the research team of the University of Tuscia has collaborated in the fair organised by the Lowinfood partner CNA of Viterbo e Civitavecchia to promote the activities around the task “Innovating supplier-retailer interactions through stakeholder dialogue to avoid waste of bakery products”  


Know more about the project


drapeau eu sans texteThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000439

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