General Assembly 2023

The General Assembly of AREFLH will take place on March 23 and 24, 2023 in Lérida, in the Catalonia region.
The programme
You will find attached the detailed program of the event, the registration link and the details for the organization of your trip : FR - ES - EN - IT
Please note that some of the activities will be for members only, but the afternoon conference on 23rd March will be open to all.
The public conference (both face-to face and digital format)
For more than 20 years, the AREFLH (Assembly of European Horticultural Regions) has been actively defending the economic and social interests of the regions and producers to the European institutions. Each year the General Assembly and its public conference take place in a member region. This year the event will be hosted by the region of Catalonia in partnership with Afrucat, an association of Catalan producers also a member of AREFLH.
The conference will be organised around two themes. Firstly, the recent entry into force of the new CAP. As the new CAP involves high stakes for the development of a more resilient and greener agricultural world, it raises many questions. AREFLH will therefore open the dialogue and will welcome a representative of the DG AGRI of the European Commission, as well as Elena Garcia Garrido of the EU CAP Network. AREFLH representatives will exchange views in a round table on the subject.
The second part of the conference will be dedicated to the European draft regulation limiting packaging waste included in the Green Pact for Europe. Indeed, the sector is concerned about the possible consequences on the quality and safety of products. An MEP will be present at the conference to inform better participants on this sensitive issue. The final round table will also provide an opportunity to discuss the topic and its issues in greater depth.
Read the press release in other languagues: EN, ES, IT
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the link to follow the conference on YouTube
Activity report
To find out more about the AREFLH, its activities between June 2022 and February 2023 and its work with the European institutions, consult the activity report : FR, EN, ES, IT
The General Assembly is organized with the support of:
Photo above: Seu Vella castle and cathedral, venue for the 2023 General Assembly (copyright Lleida Tourist Office)
Top photo: Simona Caselli and Jean-Louis Moulon, during the 2022 General Assembly in Trento