Recent and intense activity of the AREFLH team

The new CAP, innovation, food waste, visits of professional fairs and the Chestnut Days: this is the recent activity of AREFLH
Since September the AREFLH team continues to have a sustained activity. Simona Caselli, president of the association spoke on September 14 at the Think4Food webinar on innovation in food and the agricultural systems.
Simona Caselli then developed the topics of the new CAP and the Next Generation EU initiative alongside MEP Paolo de Castro at the Festa Nazionale Unità Bologna on 16 September.
Later, on 29 September, on the occasion of the 2nd World Food Waste and Loss Awareness Day, the President also participated in a pre-COP26 event on food waste and the opportunities to accelerate the transition. The event was organised by the Future Food Institute and FAO. The replay of her speech is available on You Tube (at minute 19'51).
With the trade fairs now reopening it is with great pleasure that the AREFLH team (Simona Caselli, Jean-Louis Moulon, Pauline Panegos and Luca Contrino) visited Macfrut in Rimini (Italy). The Italian F&V trade fair is indeed the occasion to renew our bonds with Italian members. A few weeks after Macfrut, AREFLH representatives were present at Fruit Attraction.
Finally from September 30th to October 2nd, the AREFLH co-organised, just like every year since 2010, the European Chestnut Days in Dordogne, Corrèze and Haute vienne. The event will be crowned on October 21 and 22 by a webinar, open to all, in two parts on the European chestnut market, and on diseases & pests. More information on
The Chestnut days event was made possible thanks to the involvement of many organisations such as the Union Interprofessionnelle Châtaigne Sud-Ouest France, the AANA, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Interco, the Dordogne, Corrèze and Haute Vienne departments.