Simona Caselli won the 2021 Italian F&V sector Oscar

Simona Caselli, President of AREFLH, won the Oscar dell'Ortofrutta Italiana 2021 (F&V sector award) on 16 July 2021, at an event organised in the province of Bari by the newspaper Il Corriere Ortofrutticolo.
Simona Caselli declared during the evening: "the 2021 Oscar for fruit and vegetables is for me an additional reason for commitment within AREFLH, because we are in an important phase for files such as the new CMO, the new CAP and the stages of implementation, all of which must be followed very closely, as well as the Farm to Fork strategy, on which we have been working since 2020. With our office in Brussels, we serve the EU fruit and vegetable sector. This award is an honour for me. I dedicate it to AREFLH and share it with my colleagues. “
The Oscar is awarded each year from among the 10 personalities nominated as "key players in the Italian F&V sector", and it is the public present at the evening that votes to award the Oscar. Simona Caselli won with 35 votes out of 98 voters present.
Among the 10 people who received an award was also Ibrahim Saadeh, an active member of AREFLH and administrator of Terremerse (pictured below, on the right).
The other lucky winners were Andrea Badursi (Asso Fruit Italia / Basilicata), Massimiliano Del Core (OP Pignataro e Grape&Grape / Puglia), Natalino Gallo (OP Agricor / Calabria), Vitantonio e Nicola Giuliano (OP Orchidea / Puglia), Giorgio Mercuri (Coop Giardinetto - Alleanza Cooperative Agroalimentari / Apulia), Martin Pinzger (VIP / Alto Adige), Serena Pittella (DOP Luce / Campania), Angelo Ruggiero (Ruggiero SpA / Lazio).
This year, for the first time, Il Corriere Ortofrutticolo has decided to highlight entrepreneurs under 35, in order to underline the essential role that young people play in the present and the future of the F&V sector. Thus, the winners of the title of "Key player in the sector under 35" for 2021 are : Alessandra Graziani (Graziani Packaging / Emilia-Romagna), Marco Bertolazzi (CIV / Emilia-Romagna), Matteo Mazzoni (Gruppo Mazzoni / Emilia-Romagna), Francesca e Rosangela Appio (OP Primo Sole / Basilicata).
Top photo: part of AREFLH team : Pauline Panegos, Simona Caselli, Luca Contrino.